
What I Believe

I believe...

  1. That people must look to themselves to better their lives.  
  2. The problem with thinking that government can improve your life is that you come to expect government to improve your life.  
  3. We get more of what we subsidize, less of what we tax.  
  4. We tax income and subisidize unemployment.  
  5. That equality and liberty are diametrically opposed principles.  
  6. It is easier to lose than gain new freedoms.  
  7. That government has an insatiable appetite for power and control.  
  8. We must fight diligently to retain our freedoms from subtle as well as blatant encroachment.  
  9. The wealth of the nation consists of the sum of its' goods and services.  
  10. Money is worth only what it can purchase.  
  11. The forced transfer of a dollar from producer to non-producer dilutes the value of that dollar.  
  12. The dilution in value of a dollar due to forced transfer increases proportionally with the percentage of total dollars transferred.  
  13. We could double the number of dollars in circulation without increasing the wealth of the nation one bit.  
  14. Families must provide sustenance, discipline and love to raise healthy, productive children.  
  15. Government can provide sustenance and punishment (an inefficient form of discipline due to its reactive rather than proactive nature), but certainly not love.  
  16. I believe you can legislate equality but not respect.  
  17. I believe respect must be earned.  
  18. We will not have racial harmony until there is mutual respect among the races.  
  19. I believe that sometimes less is more.  
  20. Statistics can lie.  
  21. If people stop working, the unemployment rate goes up.  
  22. If people stop looking for work, the unemployment rate goes down.  
  23. If people start looking for work, the unemployment rate goes up.  
  24. If people find work, the unemployment rate goes down.  
  25. I believe that unemployment statistics can be twisted to mean anything.  
  26. I believe that policies based upon incorrect assumptions are worse than no policy at all.  
  27. I believe there were no homeless before Ronald Reagan became president.  
  28. I believe there were bag ladies and bums before Ronald Reagan became president (this film clip is from 1979, a year before Reagan was elected).  
  29. Drug use is at the root of most of our problems.  
  30. Reducing demand for drugs will be more effective than trying to reduce supply.  
  31. I believe that the death penalty for drug kingpins is not a deterrent because they have endured greater threats to their security in achieving the status of "kingpin".  
  32. If we wish to penalize suppliers, we should reserve our harshest penalties for the frontline pushers in order to make the risk/reward relationship undesirable.  
  33. I believe the private sector is more efficient at creating jobs than the government.  
  34. Government investment should be limited to projects that are necessary for the national good.  
  35. I believe that the military, courts, highway and transportation systems, the post office, law enforcement, basic scientific research and education are for the national good.  
  36. I believe we need to distinguish between nice-to-have and need-to-have programs.  
  37. The space station, the super-collider, the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities and public television are nice to have.

1 comment:

Paul Szydlowski said...

I now believe that the research and arts delivered in that last entry have far more value than I did when I first wrote that. There are other opinions that have evolved as well.